The ruddy glow that registers on a fair-skinned person who has just achieved orgasm: Her face and neck were well-cumsplotched after our marathon fuck-fest.
cumsplotched, cumsplotched, cumsplotches
tr. v.
to provide orgasm; to mark with cumsplotches
the ruddy glow; spots; stains; colorations as a whole which denote cumsplotchiness
the act of cumsplotching; to cumsplotch
to bear physical evidence of cumsplotching: After an hour of lotus petals-to the metal, Jasmine was cumsplotchy with perspiration and delight.
May 15th, 2008 Posted by The Snarling Misanthrope | The Sexicon | no comments
1. to linger; idle; trifle; loiter, at the immediate area of a vagina with sexual intent; in a teasing manner
2. to move slowly; languidly at the immediate area of a vagina with sexual intent; to tease a vagina
3. to waste time in locating a woman’s clitoris by finger or tongue (usually followed by away): He twatdawdled away half the night and still I didn’t come.
—Related forms
>twatdawdling, n. to actively twatdawdle.
twatdawdling, v., p.t. to twatdawdle.
twatdawdler, n. one who twatdawdles.
twatdawdlingly, adv. to perform in a manner that is twatdawdling or twatdawdlish
May 8th, 2008 Posted by The Snarling Misanthrope | The Sexicon | one comment

Hypothetical Pink
hy·po·thet·i·cal · pink [hahy-puh-thet-i-kuhl pingk]
1. the assumed or hoped-for hookup a man has conditionally secured with a woman via the internet, usually Craigslist: Henry scanned through Casual Encounters, his heart a-pounding, as he frantically dispatched a flurry of furtive form-letters to every hypothetical pink in w4m.
2. the color of theoretic sex: Henry shut his eyes tight and prepared for sleep, dreamlike swatches of hypothetical pink washing over him.
Hypothetically pink
1. the state of hoping that the hookup you have just procured on Craigslist is indeed a woman and not a man; i.e., Henry’s hookup is hypothetically pink, but he won’t know for sure until it’s too late.
May 7th, 2008 Posted by The Snarling Misanthrope | The Sexicon | one comment

Instant gratification disorder (IGD)
also known as Internet Instant Gratification Disorder (2IGD)
n. Abbr. IGD, 2IGD
1. A condition characterized as a constant state of me-wanting-ness, which often interferes with the afflicted’s social performance, rendering the afflicted into a flaming douchebag.
2. (2IGD) An increasingly commonplace affliction consisting of the need to have what one wants the moment one wants it, especially in the context of internet-derived sexual encounters. This also interferes with the afflicted’s social performance, rendering the afflicted into a flaming douchebag with exceptionally poor grammar skills.
Not to be confused with IG-88, the dancing robot.
May 1st, 2008 Posted by The Snarling Misanthrope | The Sexicon | 2 comments
boobs·wag·gled, boobs·wag·gling, boobs·wag·gles
1. To half-expose one’s breasts and waggle them in the general direction of others, usually a group: After her sixth shot of Crown Royal, Barb began boobswaggling the rest of the bar.
1. The act of boobswaggling.
1. A female pirate off the coast of Boobswagglia.
1. One who boobswaggles.
boobs·wag·gling, boobs·wag·gly
1. A qualifier for girls who boobswaggle: She was a boobswaggling jill of all jacks.
April 19th, 2008 Posted by The Snarling Misanthrope | The Sexicon, What's My Predicate? | one comment