sex, lies, and .jpgs


Currently browsing posts found in July2008

Cialis™ is Seriously Not For Everyone

» by Lindsay Lewis July 23rd, 2008 at 1:50 pm » Comments (0)

From our test lab here at Junkbuzzed, as part of our ongoing commitment to bringing up-to-date information on breaking news, dating tips and general musings on sex, kink and life in general:

Fucked Up Thing To Do #1 (first in a series – collect them all)
Give a perfectly healthy, young male subject the highest dose […]

FUN NEW SEXUAL TRENDS: Tailgayting the Hags Left Behind

» by The Snarling Misanthrope July 23rd, 2008 at 11:45 am » Comments (1)

Boys – want to go to a gay bar? Oh – you’re straight? No problem – all the better, actually! See, the gay bar is where you want to be, if you’re looking for some easy pickings.

Now before we go any further, you’ll need to swear to secrecy on this. What you are about […]

My Morning Junket: Gastrosexuals, Anarchists, Golf-Rage, and the Children of Sappho

» by The Snarling Misanthrope July 23rd, 2008 at 11:14 am » Comments (0)

Gastrosexuals stake claim to legitimacy and hair-gel, cook some beans; WAM fetishists complain a bit, then go play in a tub full of baked beans: do not adjust your screen; it does indeed say gastrosexuals. Gastrosexual is the new sexo-culinary buzz-word being bandied about for men with highlighted hair who learn how too cook because […]